Chrome Update Bolsters Protections Against Abusive Experiences

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This week, Google announced new ways to protect Chrome users from malicious tricks used by some websites. “1 out of every 5 feedback reports from Chrome users on desktop mention encountering some type of unwanted content, and we take this feedback seriously when considering how to improve Chrome.”

Some of the changes include how Chrome handles redirects caused by content displayed in iframes. “…in Chrome 64 all redirects originating from third-party iframes will show an infobar instead of redirecting, unless the user had been interacting with that frame. This will keep the user on the page they were reading, and prevent those surprising redirects.”

Another change that Google is implementing in the new Chrome update is when users click on a link that opens in a new tab, while the current tab redirects to another page. Google will now show an infobar and not allow the main tab to be redirected.

Additionally, Google is improving their pop-up blockers to prevent tricks on a page (hidden link elements, play buttons, etc.) that “send users to unintended destinations but are hard to automatically detect”.

New Abusive Experience Report in Search Console

Abusive Experiences Report

For Webmasters, Google announced a new tool that “site owners can use the report to see if any of these abusive experiences have been found on their site and improve their user experience.” This tool, the Abusive Experience Report, will give webmasters a 30 day window to fix these issues. If they are not fixed, Google will block links on the site from opening in a new tab.

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